
Showing posts from July, 2011

Brendan is on the mend! 4 ER visit's later....

Well his elbow is finally healing! He had a staph infection and although he tested - for MRSA it seemed to be just that. It was the same type of bug that causes MRSA and it started healing soon after he begun new antibiotics that destroys MRSA sooo who knows. I am just happy his elbow looks better. It is scabbed over in fact. WOOT WOOT! We missed my entire step daughter's birthday party because he was almost admitted at the hospital and put on IV antibiotics. We were at two hospitals from 10AM to 3:30PM. It was a long day! We switched ER's because of where his pediatrician sends her patients and instead of admitting him they switched his antibiotics and let us go home. We were both very happy to go home instead of spending 3 days in the hospital. :)It was a scary week. A spot started appearing on his leg and his arm had a tiny scratch that blew up so something was going on in his tiny body. I was starting to freak out but thankfully my mom is a nurse and helped me calm down by ...

Life of a SAHM

Life has been a bit hectic around here and at times I can't believe how much I can do. My husband thanked me last night for being super mom ~ that was really appreciated and made me realize I WAS super mom yesterday! Brendan came down with an infection in his elbow. He scraped it falling off one step a few weeks ago. I constantly cleaned it with proxide and it healed nicely so I have no idea where this infection came from. I noticed his elbow was not looking good Monday morning. I kept saying I didn't like the looks of it but my husband said it is probably just a bug bite and he has scratched it too much. I thought otherwise and my fears came to life the next evening. It looked worse and had puss coming out of it now. We went to a walk in clinic which I was NOT impressed with and they told me it was an infection and prescribed him antibiotics. I thought we would be in the clear until the next morning when it looked 10x worse! I new it was time for an ER visit. SO THIS IS MY SUP...

Enjoying the Summer~

This past weekend we set up the blow up water slide and the kids had a blast! They played non stop for 5 1/2 hours. The neighbors were over all day long and really had fun. I had bought water squirters at the dollar store which were awesome amusement and they kept Brendan entertained for an hour. He could actually suck up the water and squirt it. He couldn't really aim at anyone but I bet he will in time. The kids created obstacle courses and my husband timed them. Brendan loved cheering them on and yelling ~ "ready set go"!!!! Brendan started riding his power wheels again. He calls it his go cart. He kept asking for a go cart for his last birthay but we decided on something a bit slower and with two seats. When we surprised him with this he was so happy and yelled "A Go Cart"!!!!!... so at least we made him happy! His driving is ten times better this summer. He was stearing it all on his own. He drove on the road and I barely had to help him. Even his step sist...

How MY life is different

Running out to the store just to get milk with a child in a wheelchair is not as easy as it seems and is avoided at all costs! My back, arms, and neck often hurt or are soar and it is just part of life now. I remember one of Brendan's PT's telling me that one day my body would start to feel it from lifting him and all his equipment. I didn't think that day would come so fast. Weekly 45 minute one way commutes to therapy have become part of my routine and I don't even think about them anymore. I have constant guilt when I don't exercise and stretch him everyday but sometimes the days get away from me. Family vacations have to be thought about before booking because we can't just go anywhere. Not to mention there is only two of us and 3 of them! Maybe that will get easier as the girls get older. I recently realized I need to start asking for handicap accessible rooms because recently we were placed on the 2nd floor and carrying his wheelchair up a flight of stairs...

Mohawks and Legos

Gotta love his Mohawk. His father was constantly buzzing his hair off and I could never do anything with it. I found a great place that can cut his hair without him freaking out. Snip-its is awesome. They have practically silent buzzers along with t.v.'s and video games to keep the kids occupied. So far he has not freaked out getting his hair cut there. I thought he just grew out of it and brought him to a barbor shop once and that was a huge mistake. He almost didn't get his hair cut and then almost had half a head cut so never again! His hair is finally long enough to spike, mohawk, or just do whatever. I think he is one handsome boy!! Brendan loves legos. It is the one toy that will keep him occupied for an hour. It is great for fine motor skills as well. He used to only use one type of piece. The small square but now he is using different sizes and colors and building them in different directions! He has been playing with them for over a year now and he just started doing m...

I can do it!!!! &&&&& Big additions going on here

I had two very hectic days with the kids. Thursday two people came to the house at 10AM to discuss a PASS program. Basically the state will pay for someone to come to the house for up to 20 hrs a week. I can hire the person and they work on three main goals with Brendan like self help skills, safety skills, and social skills. I have to be around 50% of the time but the other 50% they can do things with him. I think it will be great for him to spend one on one time with someone other than me! I can use the help at home too since he demands most of the attention. Afterwards we trucked it to visit my parents which live 1 1/2 hrs away. We spent a few hours there and headed off for Brendan's PT apt. Then home. I was EXHAUSTED but it was a great day and the kids were perfectly behaved even waiting for his hour PT session to end. Yesterday I took the kids to a magic show which kicked off the summer reading program. Afterwards we headed to a playground for lunch and then the zoo. The zoo h...