Brendan is on the mend! 4 ER visit's later....

Well his elbow is finally healing! He had a staph infection and although he tested - for MRSA it seemed to be just that. It was the same type of bug that causes MRSA and it started healing soon after he begun new antibiotics that destroys MRSA sooo who knows. I am just happy his elbow looks better. It is scabbed over in fact. WOOT WOOT!

We missed my entire step daughter's birthday party because he was almost admitted at the hospital and put on IV antibiotics. We were at two hospitals from 10AM to 3:30PM. It was a long day! We switched ER's because of where his pediatrician sends her patients and instead of admitting him they switched his antibiotics and let us go home. We were both very happy to go home instead of spending 3 days in the hospital. :)It was a scary week. A spot started appearing on his leg and his arm had a tiny scratch that blew up so something was going on in his tiny body. I was starting to freak out but thankfully my mom is a nurse and helped me calm down by reassuring me he would be okay.

I am actually kid free for a few hours. My youngest stayed with my parents after we visited yesterday, Brendan is at school for a couple of hours and my step daughter is with her mom. So I spent some quiet time weeding the front yard and decided to prune a bush. I am snapping away when all the sudden I hear bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz so I RUN! They chased me and got me twice. :( I am glad I ran because they were mad! Who knew bees lived in bushes. UHHHHH!

It is never a dull moment in this house!
