Life of a SAHM

Life has been a bit hectic around here and at times I can't believe how much I can do. My husband thanked me last night for being super mom ~ that was really appreciated and made me realize I WAS super mom yesterday!

Brendan came down with an infection in his elbow. He scraped it falling off one step a few weeks ago. I constantly cleaned it with proxide and it healed nicely so I have no idea where this infection came from. I noticed his elbow was not looking good Monday morning. I kept saying I didn't like the looks of it but my husband said it is probably just a bug bite and he has scratched it too much. I thought otherwise and my fears came to life the next evening. It looked worse and had puss coming out of it now. We went to a walk in clinic which I was NOT impressed with and they told me it was an infection and prescribed him antibiotics. I thought we would be in the clear until the next morning when it looked 10x worse! I new it was time for an ER visit. SO THIS IS MY SUPER MOM DAY:

Brendan woke us up at 5:50 am standing next to his bed and since he couldn't go anywhere from there and was calling us. I checked his elbow since we had it bandaged up and it looked really really awful. I didn't understand how it could look so much worse from 8pm last night. I knew I had to bring him to the ER so I got the kids up bathed, fed and ready to go and off we went. My AMAZING 17 year old neice came and picked up my youngest at the hospital at 8AM...She is beyond awesome! My stepdaughter was with her mom that morning so thankfully I could focus on Brendan. 2 1/2 hours, 4 x rays, and 30 minutes of my poor boy going through exruciating pain while they opened, drained, and packed his infection we got to go home! We raced home and I immediately wrapped my step daughters birthday presents because of all days TODAY IS HER BIRTHDAY! I quickly dirty iced a cake (that I had made the following evening after I got home from the walk in clinic), fed us lunch, and then we rushed off to the mall. We were meeting my niece who still had my youngest daughter and my stepdaugther with her mom because today she was getting her ears pierced for her 7th Birthday! I couldn't cancel or miss this and Brendan was up for it. She did amazing and they look so nice!
We headed back home so I could finish icing and decorating her birthday cake. My husband got home so we let her open presents and then we all headed outside to watch her ride her new power scooter. I then realized our kitchen trash can was still outside waiting to be cleaned from the previous day. I also realized that some outside table and chairs had to be cleaned with bleach for my step daughter's party on Saturday so that is what I did.
We headed back inside to make dinner and have cake and ice cream and then I was DONE! It was almost time to relax....we just had to get some kids into bed.

What a day! How did I do all of this working full time??? that is the question. I have no idea! I am happy to be a stay at home mom.
