What a week! Vasectomy, Softball and nonstop as always

5 kids is enough for us! We are done. We love our children but we can not handle 6. We have been talking about a Vasectomy for years now. Lily was actually a surprise. We were done at 4. She definitely fits right into our crazy family and I can't imagine life without her but 5 kids is way more exhausting than 4. We were supposed to get this done while I was pregnant with Lily, never happened. She is 2 years and 3 months old and we finally got it done. He is definitely going back for a recheck because I have read many stories about post vasectomy babies being born. I do not need another surprise, one was enough for us!

Why did we wait so long? #1 Reason is that Derek is deathly afraid of needles. He doesn't go to the doctors. He doesn't go to the dentist. I got him to go to each once in the last 10 years. #2 We totally procrastinate when it comes to anything to do with ourselves. #3 Neither of us like to make phone calls. We really hate making phone calls, we fight over who has to call in the pizza order. We love on line ordering! Pretty bad, huh?

I had to make the phone call to set up the apppointment or he would have never gotten it done. He was very nervous. I thought it was very painful but later he told me that he was just freaking out about the needle. He even had to put ice packs on his head. He brought up Brendan and we both wondered how in the world he has gone through everything he has gone through and still isn't nervous going into surgery. He made it through the surgery and then was a total champ. He got to chill for two days but having 5 kids and owning our own business it was back to the grind. I won't allow him to lift Brendan. We switched our morning routines and got him dressed and ready every morning and have done everything that needs to be done throughout the day. I even had to complete his work outs on my own which totally killed my back for two days. We just do what we need to do in this house. 3 days later and he seems to be doing awesome. He said it wasn't bad at all and hardly painful. Just sore at times but he is sore from lifting Brendan constantly and it doesn't feel much different. We are so glad we have finally gotten this checked off our list.

Makayla signed up for softball again and Drew is starting Tball. Brendan is in Unified basketball and Chloe has winter cheer so we are busy! Softball practice started this past Monday, we found out Sunday night. It was pretty cold but since we couldn't fit in Brendan's work out we brought his accessible bike and he rode around the track and then I took him grocery shopping and he walked the entire time. It was the fastest he has every walked. He has a seat on his walker so he could take breaks but he kept up with me and surprised me at his pace. In the past it has been total torture taking him to the grocery store. I would have to stand and wait for him in each aisle. This day he would catch up to me every single time. I would shop and know he would be right behind me. I couldn't believe it. After over an hour of shopping he chose to walk from the check out counter all the way to the car without stopping.

Life has been a whirlwind this week yet again. We made it to Friday. The worst part is we have to work all weekend because our employee can't work Sunday.

Let's just hope for some warmer weather. We need to get Brendan outside to learn how to use his smart drive. We need to practice some softball. We need to have some fun with these kids. I have the urge to go Spring shopping too. At least I get to buy items for the little kids all the time from our own store. I am pretty sure they already have a summer wardrobe.

Even with everything going on I had him sit in his knee immobilizers for over an hour tonight and stretched his quads
