
Showing posts from April, 2017

14 years

I have been a mom for 14 years, in fact it has been 14 years 4 months and 18 days. Some days I can't believe it has been that long and other days I feel like I have been a mom forever. My youngest just turned 2 years old 3 months ago. Since Brendan is disabled and requires a ton of assistance I have never had a break from dressing/bathing/toileting etc. I have been changing diapers/wiping butts for 14 years! I have been trick or treating, finding Easter attire, baking cookies for Santa and watching my children eat a mere few bites of their Thanksgiving meal for 14 years. I have been holding hands, carrying children on my hip along with a purse and diaper bag, pushing strollers and acting silly just for smiles and laughter for 14 years. I have had kids at the same school for 7 years and the rest of them will attend the same school for another 8 years. That is 15 years of going to parent teacher conferences at the very same school. This often astounds us. I have been taking little ki...

What a week! Vasectomy, Softball and nonstop as always

5 kids is enough for us! We are done. We love our children but we can not handle 6. We have been talking about a Vasectomy for years now. Lily was actually a surprise. We were done at 4. She definitely fits right into our crazy family and I can't imagine life without her but 5 kids is way more exhausting than 4. We were supposed to get this done while I was pregnant with Lily, never happened. She is 2 years and 3 months old and we finally got it done. He is definitely going back for a recheck because I have read many stories about post vasectomy babies being born. I do not need another surprise, one was enough for us! Why did we wait so long? #1 Reason is that Derek is deathly afraid of needles. He doesn't go to the doctors. He doesn't go to the dentist. I got him to go to each once in the last 10 years. #2 We totally procrastinate when it comes to anything to do with ourselves. #3 Neither of us like to make phone calls. We really hate making phone calls, we fight over who ...

A Whirlwind of a trip but we are home!

Now that was one exhausting week. Not only for me but for my husband as well. I think we both know that he had it harder than I, not to mention this is the 2nd time the 2 year old got sick while I was gone. Not that my life was easy this week mostly because my back pain is letting me know that Brendan isn't a little kid anymore. I actually think lifting his equipment into and out of the suv trunk was more difficult than lifting him all week long. I missed my accessible van every time we went out and we were out and about a lot! Everyone was extremely nice to Brendan and all of his 1000 questions. Every person made an effort to listen to what he was saying as he still isn't always the easiest to understand and they were all so patient with him. He always makes friends with the pilots and flight attendants and recieved many free drinks and snacks throughout our trip. He still talks to EVERYONE which can be embaressing for me as I tend to by shy. I will talk to anyone that talks t...