
Okay I need some ideas! I am taking Brendan to Texas for two weeks for more intensive therapy. I am taking along my 18 month old since I think she is too young to stay behind for that long. Brendan does have money set aside but it won't cover everything. It will get expensive just feeding us for two weeks. Fortunately, I found a nice hotel with a great medical rate which offers free breakfast and even some free dinners! That will save a ton. The hotel also has a kitchen and there is a Walmart near by which will also make a huge difference.

I am looking for some ideas to raise some money. I didn't want to ask again under his go fund me since I asked for his surgery last year. I was beyond amazed at the generous amount given to us.

I am so excited for this trip. He gained so much from just one week in November. He has gained so much strength over the last three months with his new work out plan. I know 4 other families going at the same time which is so cool!

I still can't believe it has almost been one year since his surgery. Today, last year, his school had a going away party wishing him luck. That was one quick year even though it has been extremely busy,  well maybe that is why it was so fast !
