
Showing posts from February, 2016

One Year SDR Anniversary!

Wow! I seriously can not believe it has been one full year since we took the plunge and went ahead with SDR. One of the hardest decisions of my life. Regrets? None! Hard work? More than you could ever imagine. We have given it our all. I am actually proud of this entire family. We have all made sacrifices over the last year in order for Brendan to achieve all that he has. Three of the kids have lost their mom and baby sister for 4 weeks over the last year, went on a road trip to St. Louis for their summer vacation for Brendan's post op appointment, and have helped entertain the younger ones while we have worked countless hours stretching, strength training and assisting Brendan. Brendan has come a long way and continues to work hard. He actually surprised me with his attitude and willingness to stick with the program. It hasn't been easy, there has been tears, yelling, attitude but also laughter, pride and progression. He is 13 and doesn't always want to get off his compute...


Okay I need some ideas! I am taking Brendan to Texas for two weeks for more intensive therapy. I am taking along my 18 month old since I think she is too young to stay behind for that long. Brendan does have money set aside but it won't cover everything. It will get expensive just feeding us for two weeks. Fortunately, I found a nice hotel with a great medical rate which offers free breakfast and even some free dinners! That will save a ton. The hotel also has a kitchen and there is a Walmart near by which will also make a huge difference. I am looking for some ideas to raise some money. I didn't want to ask again under his go fund me since I asked for his surgery last year. I was beyond amazed at the generous amount given to us. I am so excited for this trip. He gained so much from just one week in November. He has gained so much strength over the last three months with his new work out plan. I know 4 other families going at the same time which is so cool! I still can't b...

The Dream

I had 'the dream' again. A particular milestone has been creeping into my subconscious more and more since Brendan had SDR. I used to have the dream once in a blue moon, maybe a few times since he was born! But lately it has been much more constant. The dream is never the same like some nightmares can be. This dream pulls at my heart because I honestly don't think it will ever become a reality. I dream that Brendan can walk. Completely unaided. No walker, no help from his mom and step dad holding him up. He just walks. His walking doesn't exactly look 'normal' even in my dreams. I have no idea what he would even look like walking on his own. He really struggles with his right leg and I fear it will never be able to gain the strength it needs. Last night I vividly remember every second of the dream. He was sitting on the recliner in our living room and he just stood up and took these fast tiny steps, more of a shuffle, across the room. It was really fast like if ...