Brendan spent a week in Texas in the beginning of November. He met Mike Poole at walk this way USA and it was amazing. This man has a gift. He can somehow work with each child and get in tune with them like no other. He instantly knew Brendan and how his brain worked. He knew exactly what he needed and how to get him to work. Going to Texas for therapy is expensive and takes a toll on our whole family and our biggest fear was that Brendan wouldn't put in the work. He often shuts down or doesn't try but Mike got him to do everything he asked of him. It was actually an amazing site. I feel so lucky to have met this man and spend a week with him. In just 5 session he gave Brendan a new found confidence. He was able to show him what his body could actually do. It wasn't easy. There was lots of yelling, threatening and tears but this kid can't wait to go back!
Brendan has never been able to stand for even a millisecond. Mike got at least one second out of him on the first try. I realize how this sounds. One second wow. But seriously when you have never seen your child stand it takes your breath away. We continue his program at home and he stood for 3 seconds last night. He is figuring out his balance and working hard to gain the strength to stand on his own two feet. He looks different lately and I can only hope that these seconds can turn into minutes. To be able to stand with out assistance even for short periods of time is life changing. So we will keep working him and we head back to Texas in June for 2 weeks! I can't even wait!!
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