Breakthrough!!! I am so ecstatic!
I was in Drew's room for a while and couldn't hear the monitor so I didn't know if Brendan called me or not. It was 8:30 am and I figured he needed to go to the bathroom so I hurried up with Drew and went downstairs. Immediately Brendan called me whining: "Mom I had an accident". Immediately I became aggravated because I just dealt with a nasty accident the previous morning. I was all huffy ripping off his blankets, telling him he needs to call before the accident...blah blah blah. I roll him over and nothing is wet. I notice a tiny little spot on the sheet and immediately my attitude does a 180! Brendan, I say, did you stop it? He said YES! For the first time he stopped himself from having a full on accident, drenching himself, his sheets, his mattress protectors. I was beaming. He was still upset by this small amount and gave me excuses like "I drank a lot last night". I told him how awesome this was and what a big deal this is. This is a huge breakthrough and I couldn't be happier. He smiled realizing he was not in trouble and did a good thing. That worst part...he has Botox injections on Tuesday and this ALWAYS regresses him. Blogging is difficult lately. I have ZERO time for myself. I am beyond busy with these four kids, running a new business, and having a tired husband who has 3 paper routes in the middle of the night. I enjoy it. I think I thrive on a hectic life. Four is definitely enough children for us but it is definitely an enjoyable life watching them grow and mature.
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