Still pregnant!

Well I have had a ton of contractions but so far no arrival. 31 days or less and I can not wait. I am all belly and he is killing me with his kicks and movements. I have a beach ball inside of me and let me tell you it is not comfortable! Brendan's addition is nearly complete. The wood floors were just finished so we can't go in the area for a few days. Minor details are left and then he can actually use it!!!! This project started back in October so I am very excited to get my house back. I can't wait for him to pick out everything for his new room. I am ready to get his therapy room together and not have contractors at my house at 7am. Should be perfect timing for the arrival of this little one. Brendan is doing awesome lately. He is growing up by the week it seems. His sentence structure and thought process for what he says is constantly improving. The summer is flying by and between opening the business and being super pregnant I haven't had time to enjoy it. I love the Fall anyway so I am looking forward to some cool weather and lots of walks with the kids. Can't wait to post pictures of the completed addition and our new bundle of joy.
