I know I have been MIA!!! Sorry!

I have been totally out of commission because I am FINALLY pregnant!!! I am almost 12 weeks. This baby has been wanted since my 4 year old turned 1 but it wasn't the right time. When it was the right time it just wasn't working out in my favor and after 3 horrible losses and years of trying we are finally having a successful pregnancy! This is the very last baby in our household and it is already kicking my butt. I am thinking it is a boy. Brendan's pregnancy was far worse but Makayla was so easy. I am constantly nauseous and beyond exhausted...which may be due to having 3 kids to take care of along with growing this human. I am so thrilled it finally happened but I am ready for it to be August! I am having a very hard time functioning. I had a good week but today is one awful reminder of how I felt for 5 long weeks.

Brendan is doing well. I am hiring a PASS worker and can NOT wait until she starts...which should be soon. I am still taking him to hippotherapy, aquatherapy and Special Olympics weekly so that can also be challenging. We got to go for a bike ride the other day and he did so well for not riding for a few months. He was so excited to go and I can't believe the weather was warm enough in FEBRUARY to go for a bike ride. I am not complaining about this winter at all! I am hoping the weather stays decent for school vacation which I am dreading. I am not sure how I will handle these kids all day feeling like I do. Maybe just maybe the sickness will be gone by then???

It has been just about 5 months since my dad passed and I still can't think about him without crying. Part of my problem is that I just think about how he died and how awful his last few years of life were. I need to get past that and think about the good times. It is very hard but as time goes on I am sure it will get easier.

My sister is pregnant with me! I think that is pretty neat. We are keeping my mom busy that's for sure. I am happy she has two little things to keep her mind busy. She is already shopping for baby furniture for her house :). My sister is only 6 weeks ahead of me so my mom is thinking of taking the summer off to help us out. That would be nice. She is due in July and I am due in August - if I make it that far-.

Due to my past I need progesterone injections starting at 16 weeks and I will have monthly ultrasounds after 20 weeks. Maybe I will have a full term baby afterall! I will try to update more often. I am trying to get out of this pregnancy haze I have been stuck in. I am so thankful to finally be pregnant but I don't think I thought it completely through having 3 children and one being disabled! It is NOT easy. It probably doesn't help my husband is gone from 6:30am until 6:30 pm or later. It is all me all day. Thank goodness my 4 year old is 'taking care of me' and even lets me nap when I need to. She is beyond sweet. We just told the kids last week and they are all very very excited!
