Couponing and More AMAZING PERCS Results!
My husband and I have recently begun couponing. I have always clipped coupons, even as a young child. I helped my mom shop and even did the family grocery shopping when I got my license. I love coupons. I think they are really neat since they are basically just like cash. I try and hunt for coupons wherever I go. I use multiple coupon codes when I shop on-line. I get some pretty great deals but lately I have even amazed myself.
You really can get stuff for free!
I have been watching the coupon show on t.v. and it really has me interested and focused on saving money and spending less for more! We have been doing this for a little bit over one month and already have a stock pile. I don't get everything for free but I am getting really great deals. I just got 18 bottles of Lawry's marinade and 21 boxes of pasta for free. I have a stash of razors that I paid maybe a few dollars for. I am talking a power shick razor for $.89. I have 12 boxes of tampax tampons (20 count) that I paid less than $12 total for.
I never thought I would purchase coupons but there are sites where you can buy them for $.08 each and if that makes a product free that means I only spent $.08 on 'that bottle of marinade'. Works for me!! So I am totally into this couponing thing and I am ready to score more free food and products for my family.
Now on to the important topic for tonight........First let me say once again: PERCS I love you! Brendan was doing his nightly walk around the house for exercise in his croc walker and all the sudden he stopped and I saw him lift up one hand high in the air. I wondered what he was doing when he then lifted his second hand high into the air. I kept quiet because I was in awe. Brendan has NEVER lifted two hands off of his walker. He has never stood by himself. He then proceeded to clap. I have no idea why he felt the need to stop walking and clap but he did and it was AMAZING! He doesn't like when you make a big deal out of things but I couldn't help myself. We walked some more and I had him do it again just to see if he could and he did twice more. I am shocked. How can he even do this? Have I been right all along and he can stand but has not had the confidence? Is it PERCS benefitting him this much in just 1 1/2 months? I am not sure of the answers but I am very excited to see what is to come.
I have always said Brendan never ceases to amaze me and once again I am saying it tonight. I am ecstatic!
You really can get stuff for free!
I have been watching the coupon show on t.v. and it really has me interested and focused on saving money and spending less for more! We have been doing this for a little bit over one month and already have a stock pile. I don't get everything for free but I am getting really great deals. I just got 18 bottles of Lawry's marinade and 21 boxes of pasta for free. I have a stash of razors that I paid maybe a few dollars for. I am talking a power shick razor for $.89. I have 12 boxes of tampax tampons (20 count) that I paid less than $12 total for.
I never thought I would purchase coupons but there are sites where you can buy them for $.08 each and if that makes a product free that means I only spent $.08 on 'that bottle of marinade'. Works for me!! So I am totally into this couponing thing and I am ready to score more free food and products for my family.
Now on to the important topic for tonight........First let me say once again: PERCS I love you! Brendan was doing his nightly walk around the house for exercise in his croc walker and all the sudden he stopped and I saw him lift up one hand high in the air. I wondered what he was doing when he then lifted his second hand high into the air. I kept quiet because I was in awe. Brendan has NEVER lifted two hands off of his walker. He has never stood by himself. He then proceeded to clap. I have no idea why he felt the need to stop walking and clap but he did and it was AMAZING! He doesn't like when you make a big deal out of things but I couldn't help myself. We walked some more and I had him do it again just to see if he could and he did twice more. I am shocked. How can he even do this? Have I been right all along and he can stand but has not had the confidence? Is it PERCS benefitting him this much in just 1 1/2 months? I am not sure of the answers but I am very excited to see what is to come.
I have always said Brendan never ceases to amaze me and once again I am saying it tonight. I am ecstatic!
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