
Showing posts from September, 2016


Well after growing over 3 inches recently Brendan needs SPML. This time we are headed to Texas where Dr. Yngve will operate on him. He is having a lot done at once but I am super excited to see him progress afterwards. Brendan is having both hamstrings released, a left groin release with alcohol block, right pec release with alcohol block and right elbow tendon transfer. His arm will be casted for one month and then he has to wear a splint for 2 months. Sounds like a lot but it will be worth it. We will be in Texas for 6 nights. It will be the very first time I leave Lily behind. I am sad about it but I know I can't handle her on my own while he has surgery. What is SPML: Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening, also known as PERCS for percutaneous, is a non-traditional, orthopedic tendon/muscle lengthening/release that is minimally invasive, with minimal scarring, for children and adults. Selective refers to select areas of tightness caused by spasticity. Percutaneous � an i...