
Showing posts from August, 2016

Checking it off!

I had a huge checklist to accomplish a few weeks ago and I am checking it all off pretty dang quickly! We have been having such a fun and busy summer that I just realized I needed to get a lot done all before school started! I am killing it and feel so much less stressed out now! His neurologist is STILL on sabbatical and I mean this has been going on for years now. I am annoyed now. Thankfully he doesn't need botox nor is he in dire need of seeing a neurologist. I went through 3 neurologists before staying with her for the last 8 years so I am not really interested in finding another. So therefor I had to go onto plan B! I really needed a new scripot for his SMO's (ankle braces) since they are constantly marking up his feet so I had to try and book an appointment with his orthopedic. I also needed a signature for the awesome wheelchair power adapter (Max Mobility) I want to order. However his ortho was booking months out. Somehow I totally lucked out and got an appointment for...

Tommy Hilfiger Runway of Dreams

How awesome that Hilfiger came out with an adaptive clothing section. I just placed our first order and am so super excited to try these out. They use magnets to fasten the shirts and pants (so for those of you with pacemakers you may not be able to use them). Brendan is almost 14 so we are really focusing on independence at this point. He can not unboutton or unsnap his clothes so he should be pretty excited. We have dressed him for 13 years and I really hope he can start learning how especially with clothing designed more for his disability. I will post updates and pictures and let you all no our opinions on the clothing. It is not cheap by any means but worth a try! They do have a promo code and free shipping so we got 3 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts for about $160.

I can understand

Brendan was sent this hand autographed little book about being a sibling to a brother with CP. It is simply written wtih adorable illustrations. It is a great book to introduce to a sibling or even a classroom gaining a new special friend. You can find it on Amazon!
Brendan's work out room! We have accumulated lots of equipment over the years. Brendan and his step dad recently built the wooden ladder wall to replicate the one at therapy in Texas. We use this room many times every single week.

MAX Mobility - SmartDrive MX1+ Overview


Time is flying by! So much to Say!

Wow Texas was over a month ago! Where does the time go?! We have been having a great summer. We have been very busy and just having fun with the kids. We have gone camping, spent a lot of time outside walking, swimming and on our bikes, and we are off to Story Land this weekend. Oddly this Summer Brendan has gone in an ocean, lake and pond. He usually hates swimming in them but has been open to it this year and has had a great time. He usually sits in the shade on the beach so it was so great to have him join us. He was smiling the whole time. Maybe having more control of his body makes him feel safer in the water. We have another surgery upon us and he will be back to Texas for more therapy in December ( I think). Texas went okay I guess. Lily was a great traveler and perfect when I really needed her to be but other than that she was a bit of a nightmare. She made it very difficult and mentally exhausted me. Brendan was awesome the entire time and had a great time with his new friend ...