Checking it off!
I had a huge checklist to accomplish a few weeks ago and I am checking it all off pretty dang quickly! We have been having such a fun and busy summer that I just realized I needed to get a lot done all before school started! I am killing it and feel so much less stressed out now! His neurologist is STILL on sabbatical and I mean this has been going on for years now. I am annoyed now. Thankfully he doesn't need botox nor is he in dire need of seeing a neurologist. I went through 3 neurologists before staying with her for the last 8 years so I am not really interested in finding another. So therefor I had to go onto plan B! I really needed a new scripot for his SMO's (ankle braces) since they are constantly marking up his feet so I had to try and book an appointment with his orthopedic. I also needed a signature for the awesome wheelchair power adapter (Max Mobility) I want to order. However his ortho was booking months out. Somehow I totally lucked out and got an appointment for...