
Showing posts from June, 2016

Off to Texas!

We are leaving for Texas for two weeks of intense therapy this Sunday. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I am flying on my own with Brendan and Lily. My mom came with us last time and helped but this time I am on my own! Brendan is a great traveler and he will be fine but Lily is just 1 1/2 years old and I have no idea how she will handle a 4 hour plane ride. Not to mention I will have a wheelchair and stroller to get through the airport with. I shipped out his luggage so I wouldn't have to worry about that! It will be one long day but worth it! I am so excited to see what he will gain after two weeks of this therapy. Mike Poole is amazing and gets results that no one else can. He has a unique gift that allows him to work with any personality and get them to work through their fears and achieve success. He breaks down their insecurities and once they realize they can do the task they gain confidence and self pride. It is amazing. You leave being able to work with your ...