
Showing posts from January, 2015

Power Wheelchair.....19 DAYS.......

Well we bit the bullet and ordered Brendan a power wheelchair. Years ago I never thought he would even be in a wheelchair. When he was 3 years old he received his first chair. I hated it. I vowed to never order another one again. Well that didn't happen. We hardly used the chair at 3 and often just used his convaid stroller. It was much easier to transport and I was not ready to have my child in a wheelchair. It felt very different out in public to have a wheelchair vs a stroller. People looked at us differently, kids stared, adults did double was hard. It became necessary to order a new wheelchair when he was 7 years old. It brought on a whole new independence for him. He loved and still loves his chair. I no longer hated the wheelchair. He has already had this chair for almost 5 years! It is falling apart and he has outgrown it a few times. I can not wait to order a new one! Which we will BUT we decided to get a power chair as well. Having 5 children it is not always ...

Baby Lily has arrived!! T minus 29 days til SDR

Our beautiful baby girl was born on January 2nd. She is an amazing baby and has fit right into our crazy family. Brendan hasn't wanted to hold her yet but hopefully this week because I love catching his huge smile when holding his new sibling. Drew has been very gentle which is shocking because he is ALL toddler boy. He rubs her head and gives her gentle kisses. The girls love her to pieces. 5 kids sound crazy but so far we have settled right into a routine. Labor was super fast and I didn't have time for an epidural so au natural it was! My first (Brendan) and last born were both natural which was an empowering experience. She was born one hour after my water was broken which is how we started our induction so that was an insanely quick labor! Hard to believe I had to be induced this time when I had to fight to keep my babies in. I owe it all to progesterone injections which prevent preterm labor. I took them for over 20 weeks with Drew and Lily and they worked wonders. I stil...