
Showing posts from March, 2013

Let's talk IPad!

Okay who has them and who uses them for educational purposes for their disabled child? I am looking into getting Brendan one to use in school. Technology really motivates him and we need something to help him learn. He is way behind. He is slowly getting there and I know he is smarter than he appears on paper but I am hoping an IPad with all of their amazing apps can help him progress. If you have one is the IPad 2 good enough? Should I just buy a refurbished IPad 2 and save a few hundred dollars? HELP! :)

My lack of blogging, Botox, & baby Drew

Wow life is busy. I have not had any time to blog and so many people have been emailing me telling me they love my blog. I was all of you one day. Just starting out on this crazy life adventure finding out my innocent baby has cerebral palsy. Let me tell you all again IT GETS EASIER! At least I think so. Maybe it is due to full acceptance of this life you did not expect. Maybe it is all those tiny milestones they reach that makes your heart gush with love. Maybe it is the fact they amaze you all the time with what they can accomplish and learn. I am not sure what it is because obviously the physical part becomes more difficult. Brendan's head is up by my chin already. He is getting so big! I can not even lift him without some sort of grunting noise which he now makes himself as I am about to lift him up. Making fun of me...most likely. Brendan had Botox injections once again last month. He seemed very loose at first but he is already tight again. I am not sure Botox is working as ...