5 reasons being in a wheelchair STINKS... and 5 why it can be FUN!
1. He has to wait for someone to help you go to the bathroom and being a mom of 4 sometimes he has to wait a while! 2. He can not do everything he wants to do because sometimes we are too exhausted to lift him. For instance we can't take him to CoCo Keys water park (which he would absolutely LOVE) anymore because we can't carry him up four huge flights of stairs. 3. Getting in and out of rooms and buildings can be very difficult and sometimes impossible on his own. 4. When he drops something on the floor he can not pick it up. 5. He doesn't really have friends outside of school and never goes to peoples houses because no one would know how to care for him. 1. He gets to ride on a lift everyday getting on and off the bus and he has a big ole smile on his face every time. 2. He gets special treatment at times like free trial cell phones at the mall and skipping the super long lines at Disney World. 3. He can do tricks like spin in circles and wheelies AND he alw...