Parade, Drive-in and more!
Brendan's school had a small Memorial Day Parade. Brendan doesn't like me going to his school. For some reason he cries when he sees me. I am dumbfounded by this but this has been going on for years. He told me I couldn't go but did I listen? No way! He didn't see me at first and I probably shouldn't have yelled~Brendan!~ so he could find me and I could take his picture. You think I would have learned my lesson over the years but I just can't help myself. He actually held it together until he saw me afterwards so he is improving. His friend Autum was pushing him in his wheelchair. He was walking with his typical classroom. It was great to see. This little girl sends countless pictures home with I love Brendan, A+ Brendan, you are my friend....on and on and on. She loves my kid and I love her for it! It was a cute parade and I think the only reason he cried was because his principal mentioned parents could sign them out and they could go home early. I have no ide...