
Showing posts from May, 2011

Parade, Drive-in and more!

Brendan's school had a small Memorial Day Parade. Brendan doesn't like me going to his school. For some reason he cries when he sees me. I am dumbfounded by this but this has been going on for years. He told me I couldn't go but did I listen? No way! He didn't see me at first and I probably shouldn't have yelled~Brendan!~ so he could find me and I could take his picture. You think I would have learned my lesson over the years but I just can't help myself. He actually held it together until he saw me afterwards so he is improving. His friend Autum was pushing him in his wheelchair. He was walking with his typical classroom. It was great to see. This little girl sends countless pictures home with I love Brendan, A+ Brendan, you are my friend....on and on and on. She loves my kid and I love her for it! It was a cute parade and I think the only reason he cried was because his principal mentioned parents could sign them out and they could go home early. I have no ide...

Brendan got his new AFO's!

We picked up his leg braces yesterday. He is walking awesome in them. He is taking the best steps I have seen since he was 3. The surgery has really helped. I found him sitting in a figure 4 position on his bed this morning. Something he could have never done prior to PERCS. I will post pictures soon.

I love this new feature on the Toyota Sienna...see video

I think I want this vs. a ramp put in. I realize I will still have to lift his wheelchair into the vehicle but it takes up so much less room than the ramp. We were concerned with how much room we would have left in a van having three children and I think this seat would resolve that issue. Gotta love technology! It looks awesome doesn't it? I guess I just have to make sure he doesn't need a power wheel chair before I completely decide. Things like this excite me though....makes our lives so much easier!!

I learned something yesterday!

Surgeons do not like when you go to other surgeons! I guess it never crossed my mind that Brendan's Dr. would be upset with me. Maybe I didn't care. Maybe I just didn't think about it or maybe I am nieve. I do whatever it takes to help Brendan progress. I research and decide what surgery/therapy I want to do for him. I don't really let his Dr.'s tell me what to do. I listen to them and decide what is best for Brendan and our family. I chose to do PERCS. I saw online video's, I researched boards, I read about it and said YES we are doing this! I knew his orthopedic surgeon could do the typical heal cord lengthening and had suggested it years ago but I wasn't ready. I read that once you start these kids need it every year. When we went to NJ this Dr. said we probably wouldn't need this again unless he had a major growth spurt. I also wanted less pain and less recovery time for him along with tearing vs cutting his tendons. This was my choice and I was happ...

PERCS, Weather, and Family

PERCS was a success in my mind anyway! It has been one month since Brendan had PERCS. He is doing FANTASTIC. He is able to sit on his bum comfortably, he is pedaling his handicap bike all on his own, his gait is better AND he is standing much straighter in his walker. All of these things = awesome in my book! Casts come off on Thursday! It was an ordeal and it will take a day out of school and a trip to Boston to get someone to saw them off but we are all ready for it so that is what we will do. He is afraid to have them sawed off so he keeps telling me to leave them on. :) I don't think so! Can we say it is FREEZING?! I am so cold right now. It is May in NE so where is the sun? I am ready to go for walks and enjoy the outdoors but these dreary, wet, cold days are not motivating me. My sister is getting married on June 5th and I am the maid of honor. I have my dress and almost have everything for everyone else in my family. Weddings can really add up! I am throwing her a shower on ...